Blog 4

    I feel that my blogs meet all the rubric criteria because I always post pictures, answer all the questions and list references. Writing assignments on a blog haven't really confused me but it can be a little stressful when trying to gather information for the topic. I think I'm putting my best efforts into my blogs and writings, I sometimes procrastinate but in my eyes I work well under pressure and when I know that the due date is near that motivates me to do better and work more efficiently. Once I understand the topic and think of a few ideas, writing usually comes easy to me and I type away. I do review and revise by using spell check and skimming over for details such as picture alignments and any other errors or imperfections i'd like to perfect. I don't mind other students reading my blogs and I'd love to hear their feedback when peer reviewing- it does make me a little nervous but i'm very interested and open to others opinions. I don't have anything in particular i'd like to discuss but I'd love to hear anything for improvement. Something i've learned about blogs is how popular they are! I didn't know how much of a thing they were and how widely used they are. I honestly like them and think they're more fun than a traditional essay. 

Blogging...10 best practices — Lumotiv
Snell, Peter. “Blogging...10 Best Practices.” Lumotiv, Lumotiv, 10 Sept. 2015,


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