1st blog- Getting started

 Hello everyone! Welcome to my blog for English Comp ll 2020. I'm a second year 19 year old nursing major. The medical field always interested me thanks to my favorite show Grey's Anatomy.  A surgeon or doctor is a little too much for me and I'm not interested in being in the operating room or performing those task as a doctor but interested enough to watch and tend to as a nurse. I would describe myself as a very helpful and kind person which definitely fits my job description! If anyone ask me where I'm from my answer will always be New Orleans. My family was born and raised there and I visit very often so I consider that home. I love the food, culture and incredible hospitality and friendliness that the city of New Orleans offers. This of course makes me a die-hard Saints fan and we love football in my family. My hobbies include shopping and hanging out with my friends. I hope everyone stays safe and has a great semester! :) 


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